Sunday, March 24, 2013

Truth no longer matters to us

Here is a provocative article about how and why truth no longer seems to matter to us:

I agree with Dr. Kendzior, but her thesis brings up an interesting question: since the truth no longer matters, why is Obama ad-Dajjal vigorously persecuting so many whistle-blowers?

No one, not Congress, not the FBI, not the MSM, not your local sheriff or police chief, is going to do a damn thing to stop the government's crimes, so why should it even matter that a few citizens still try to tell "the truth"?

I read a book long ago titled The Ominous Parallels by Leonard Peikoff. He compared the United States to Nazi Germany, and the similarities were chilling. One of the things that stuck with me was his statement that the Nazis were successful because their control of the press, radio, movies, and all other means of sharing information was so total that they controlled the very reality that most people experienced. No alternative points of view were available.

In the United States today, that control is becoming infinitely more powerful than that of the Nazis. Even worse, what people see on TV, computer screens, smart phones, movies, etc. is a manufactured reality that is more "real" to them than what they could see if they even bothered to look out their windows at the "real" world. We're at the point where the odd whistle blower no longer can make a difference; a truth here or there is seen by most people as out of place, and what they cannot integrate into their daily dose of illusions is merely disregarded.

The final stage in the progression will be to convince the public that whistle blowers or people saying what we used to call "the truth" are either insane or are dangerous criminals, or both. Then America's willing executioners will be truly happy to turn such people over to the thought police for removal. They were such a pain in the ass anyway.

So, thanks Bradley Manning and thanks Julian Assange, but all your efforts and sacrifice have been for nothing. The machine is winning, and most Americans actually enjoy their intellectual imprisonment. It's comfortable (to a certain degree), and best of all it does not require them to engage in the difficult, painful process we used to call "thinking". Character assassination is so much more fun!

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