Tuesday, May 28, 2013

What symbols tell us about Presidents

As I mentioned in another blog post, symbols associated with Presidents may tell us a lot about them:


Dubya's nickname W symbolizes the devil's trident-like pitchfork, and if you turn it over it becomes an M which symbolizes the devil's two horns.

There is a similar duality in Obama ad-Dajjal.

He was allegedly born in Hawaii, a string of volcanic islands. A volcano is a mountain which comes up out of the earth, and a volcanic island is a mountain which comes up out of the sea. Birth in Hawaii is therefore suggestive of these two Biblical passages:

And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea
-Revelation 13:1 KJV

And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth
-Revelation 13:11 KJV

Is it mere coincidence that Obama ad-Dajjal comes from a state which both rose up from the earth and from the sea, or is this why he was chosen for the Presidency?

And if it turns out that he actually was born in Kenya, there is another important symbolism contained in that birth story. Here is a picture of the flag of Kenya:

Its four colors (white, red, black, and green) represent the four horses of the apocalypse mentioned in Chapter 6 of the Book of Revelation. These horses appear in sequence as the Lamb of God opens the seals of the scroll.

So any way you look at it, the symbols which Obama ad-Dajjal brings to the Presidency are suggestive of End Time prophetic roles and events.

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