Friday, July 26, 2013

Did Obama ad-Dajjal just tell the truth about Vietnam ???

Here's a strange report about Vietnam:

MANY nations have been inspired by America's Founders, only to discover that our so-called legacy of liberty and freedom is a hoax. Ho Chi Minh helped us defeat Japan, and we betrayed him into the hands of the French.

(Vietnamese dictator? How many people did Richard Nixon kill? Now THERE was a ruthless dictator.)

Yes, the Vietnam War was a misunderstanding. Ho thought he could trust us, and we fucked him. He didn't understand our forked-tongue lies. However, this time the underdog fought back and showed the world that the American paper tiger could be defeated.

The most disgusting part of this episode for me is that we learned NOTHING from it. We're still believing the same fantasies and shitting on other peoples in the same manner we did back then. We have better tools of oppression at our disposal now, so I guess that makes it okay.

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