Friday, November 15, 2013

Is O brain-damaged ???

In 2007, then-Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) attended a fundraiser where he blasted President Bush, telling the crowd, “I was a constitutional law professor, which means unlike the current president I actually respect the Constitution.” President Obama, however, has been far less respectful of the Constitution that Senator Obama purportedly was. In fact, Obama has steadily violated a bevy of Constitutional provisions ranging from separation of powers to specific elements of the Bill of Rights and subsequent amendments.

[borrowed from]

One possible (and likely) reason for Obama ad-Dajjal's seeming detachment from both reality and anything that even remotely looks like the truth is BRAIN DAMAGE. Apparently he smoked so much crack and weed as a youth that his brain cannot function properly.

Can you think of any other reason for his bizarre behavior?

And by the way, President W was MUCH more respectful of the US Constitution than is Obama ad-Dajjal. In general, non-lawyers are never the vicious weasels that lawyers are.

Which brings up an interesting question: who smoked more dope - Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, or Obama ad-Dajjal? I think you would be surprised to hear the answer.

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