Saturday, December 21, 2013

Paul Craig Roberts confirms market manipulation

This essay by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts appears to confirm that the gold and money markets are being strongly manipulated with the blessing of the Fed and the Treasury:

Bloomberg reports that gold is exiting the West. It has been shipped out to Asia. You explain, dear reader, how the price of gold can fall so much in the West while the supply of gold dries up.

The conclusion is obvious. QE helps the big banks, and manipulation of the gold price downward protects the US dollar from its dilution by QE.

Allegedly, the US has free capital markets, and globalism is bringing free capital markets to the world. In actual fact, US capital markets are so manipulated – and now by the authorities themselves – that manipulation cannot stop without a crash.

What American “democratic capitalism” has brought to the world is manipulated financial markets and the absence of democracy. How long this game can play depends on the outside world.

An added benefit (but not for us) is that the artificially low price of gold allows the Chinese and rich Westerners to dump their dollars for gold. This will put them in the catbird seat when the crash happens, leaving you and I (and our "retirement funds") in a worthless dollar-denominated stock and bond market.

The end is nigh, and Wall Street and their sock puppet Obama ad-Dajjal have sold us out. You better believe it.

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