Saturday, December 14, 2013

Taking down the cross in America

Another cross succumbs to the Satan worshipers of America and to those who hate the Bible and Christ Jesus:

This is bullshit. The cross does not represent an "establishment of religion".

The cross is a symbol of victory over death ... specifically victory over Rome (the death star of its day) AND victory over the United States of America (the death star of our day).

As such it should be protected by the First Amendment as a form of political expression and free speech. Display of the cross is equivalent to burning the flag.

It is, however, an insult to Satan, who punishes those who wear it through the power of his worshipers in the USA.

Rome is where the pit is. It was once in Rome itself, but on 9/11 it was moved to New York City and became the "Pit at Ground Zero".

Babylon is where the Harlot is; Egypt is where Pharaoh is; and these also are now in New York City:

And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
Revelation 17:18 KJV

Q: Where is the United Nations HQ?

A: In that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

Q: Where was George Washington inaugurated as US Pharaoh?

A: In that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

Q: What is on the "reverse" side of the Great Seal of the United States?

A: Pharaoh's pyramid.

Q: Where was President George Herbert Walker Bush on the eve of the millennium?

A: In Egypt to attend a ceremony to place the golden capstone atop Pharaoh's Great Pyramid at Giza.

Q: Where did Obama ad-Dajjal make his seminal speech full of lies to the Muslim world?

A: In Chi Rho, Egypt:

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