Friday, August 29, 2014

We Are Being Set Up For A Terrorist Attack

Read this report and there should be little doubt in your mind that Obama ad-Dajjal, either intentionally or through stupidity, is setting us up for another terrorist attack:

The two most important questions at this point are:

(1) Will it be a "real" attack this time, or another false flag attack?

(2) Will this one involve a nuclear device?

A third less important question is this: Are there fallout shelters on the golf course?

Update: Here is a detailed report which more or less states the same things I saw:

If, as the author suggests, ISIS is a joint US-Saudi-Israeli invention, then this anticipated attack will truly be false flag.

THIS is what you get when you let these same co-conspirators get away with 9/11. Thirteen years, and we're no closer to the truth than we were on the first day.

Of course they weren't satisfied, and of course they were going to do it again.

Dumbasses !!!

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