Thursday, May 28, 2015

Vietnam vs. Iraq

After the US retreated from Vietnam, the local armies we had spent so much effort and money training and arming collapsed and fell to the armies of North Vietnam in a very short time. We blamed this on them, saying they had no will to fight.

Now that the US has retreated from Iraq, the local armies we spent so much effort and money training and arming are collapsing and falling to the armies of ISIS in a very short time. We are blaming this on them, saying they have no will to fight:

Maybe they DO have a will to fight. But maybe they would rather fight for the things which are important to them instead of the things which are important to us.

Prior to our arrival, they were in general well fed, well housed, well clothed, well educated, and in good health. Now, thanks to us, they are living in a hellhole of death and disease.

Of course they're not going to fight for us. We fucked them. Do you think they're stupid?

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