Saturday, June 20, 2015

Hillary vs. Rick Perry

When Rick Perry could not during a debate recall the name of one of the agencies he wanted to eliminate, everyone ganged up on him as if he were an idiot. Remember?

But when Hillary (Tricky Dick) Rodham cannot remember a reporter's name (when he was in front of her and probably had on a name tag), it's somehow no big deal:

Is that fair and equal coverage? Who's the bigger dummy?

Old people (e.g., Hillary) have addled minds. I should know ... she and I are roughly the same age.

By the way, this video presents 24 instances when Hillary supported the TPP while she was Secretary of State:

Now that she is running for President, she seems to have forgotten all about her support for the traitorous treaty.

Or, as is much more likely, she's just a freaking liar who will say and do anything to get back into the White House.

I don't want an absent-minded liar for President. Do you?

Also by the way, when she was supporting TPP Hillary was Secretary of State, not the US Trade Representative. This is somewhat of a confirmation that TPP is a T-R-E-A-T-Y, which requires a 2/3 vote in the Senate to become law.


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