Friday, October 23, 2015

Europe Secretly Imposing TTIP Prior To Ratification

The terms of Obama’s proposed TPP ‘trade’ treaty with Asian countries won’t be made public until the treaty has already been in force for at least four years. The terms of Obama’s proposed TISA (Trade In Services Agreement) with 52 nations won’t be made public until the treaty has already been in force for at least five years. Obama’s proposed TTIP treaty with European countries has been so successfully hidden, that even the number of years it will be kept from the public isn’t yet known. Hello, international fascism — all in secret, until too late for the public to do anything.

But in Europe, things are being rushed, just in case secrecy breaks and the treaty fails to pass. The European Union is already secretly imposing provisions from the secret Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) treaty, even before anyone has signed it, and even before it has been formally approved in any nation.

You can read the rest @

Well, now you know what the bastards who meet in Davos talk about when they're not spending the money they stole from We The People.

Q: How did the world come to the point where the living dead (i.e., corporations) have broken free from their moorings and are on the verge of enslaving all of humanity?

A: Years and years of bribes to "our" elected officials. And to further spit in our faces, it was our money they used to make the bribes.

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