Saturday, December 26, 2015

Bernie Sanders Was Set Up

A Bernie Sanders campaign adviser made some pretty strong insinuations that the staffer who they had to fire for breaching Hillary Clinton‘s voter data was a DNC plant.

You can read the rest @

I suspected all along that Sanders had been set up.

This was a clever ploy to deflect the attention of US airhead potential voters from Hillary's treasonous private server fiasco to a fabricated computer-related brouhaha involving Sanders.

Other examples of this sort of thing abound, such as:

1. Crucifying Bill Cosby for his alleged sexual perversions while giving Bill Clinton a free pass for his alleged child molestations, sexual assaults, and numerous rapes.

2. Painting Donald Trump as a Muslim hater, while ignoring the fact that Bill and Hillary both have participated in the killing of a huge number of Muslims (including over 500,000 children in Iraq).

3. Pretending to be against TPP, TTIP, and TISA, while knowing full well that all three will be signed into law no matter what We The People may say or do.

Hillary had two important teachers - Saul Alinsky and Richard Nixon - and she learned much from both of them. Should she be elected President, it is We The People who will have been set up.

She's not a crook, either. Right?

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