Tuesday, December 29, 2015

They Hate Our Freedoms

But who is this "they" who hate our freedoms so much?

... the aging Al Qaeda brand has become decisively less scary and ISIS has been unveiled as the new never-before-seen menace. There are now once again calls for restrictions on the First Amendment’s free speech protections, but they come not from far-right radicals in universally discredited neocon journals, but rather from the most mainstream voices, as highlighted this week by The New York Times.

You can read the rest @

And the NYT story can be found @

This hateful "they" appears to include the following:
*most members of Congress
*many members of the Administration
*several members of the Supreme Court
*the generals and admirals of the Pentagon
*the police in most of our cities
*nearly all of the mainstream media
*many college administrators
*most college students
*the so-called deep state
*and last, but not least, the terrorists whom the US appears to have created, armed, and funded

Which of these groups poses the greatest threat to our freedoms?

And why, in spite of all the tools created for us by The Founding Fathers, do we appear to be so confused and helpless in the face of this threat?

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