Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Hypocrisy, Or Something Worse ???

Take a look at this report on efforts to combat "white privilege":

There’s no question that the Pacific Educational Group, a San Francisco-based education consulting company, is a successful for-profit enterprise.

It’s a standing tribute to American capitalism, and the success that entrepreneurs of all races can experience in a free market economy.

Of course PEG’s overt mission is to improve educational opportunities for black and other minority children.

The company sells the notion that the American education system is unfairly based on traditional white cultural norms (white privilege in schools) to the benefit of white students and the detriment of minorities.

The product it sells to schools involves training for teachers and other staff members, so they can better understand and relate to the needs of minority students.

One might assume that PEG’s founder and president, Glenn Singleton, who is a black man, wants better instruction for minority kids so they can follow his path and become successful participants in the American economy.

Yet PEG has working relationships with a number of radical progressive academics who condemn American capitalism and society in general.

These academics seem intent on convincing minority students that the education system, and American society in general, are biased against them. Instead of motivating students for success, they seem like they want to convince them they are victims of an unjust society that requires radical transformation.

You can read the rest @

"... an unjust society that requires radical transformation"? Isn't that what Bernie Sanders is preaching? And yet the Black community appears to be shunning Sanders and embracing Hillary, who is not going to approve reparations for slavery, either.

Will this "radical transformation" create a system of true equality, or will it merely replace the currently favored group (alleged to be whites) with another?

And if we "dump" capitalism as a fundamentally unjust system, what will replace it? Whatever it is, keep this principle in mind:

No bankrupt nation ever escaped totalitarianism.
James Finney Lincoln

The US is functionally bankrupt. When we dump capitalism, that will be the end of us.

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