Friday, March 11, 2016

The Post-Work Society

Here is another dreary essay about what society will be like after robots (AI) take all our jobs:

It’s not clear what the future holds, let alone what the answers are. But one thing is evident: as long as Google Deep Mind and other players continue to push the boundaries of what the future of work might look like, policy makers will need to have their finger on the pulse, and be prepared with ideas about how societies can flourish in that new future.

P-l-e-a-s-e ... don't you know that a robot could write a more exciting essay than this?

Never addressed in such drivel is how 8+ billion jobless people are going to feed themselves. It should be clear already that governments are not going to feed them and that the owners of the earth are not going to let us farm on "their" private property.

Are the powers that be meeting in secret to discuss how to feed us, or how to have their robots kill us? What do you think?

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