Saturday, July 23, 2016

Israelis Partnering With Muslims ???

Here is an unexpected development - Israelis and Muslims working together:

Foreign Ministry Director General Dore Gold visited Chad last week as part of Israel’s push to establish ties with that majority Muslim African State, which is on the front line of the battle against Islamic extremists.

“Chad is a central state on the African continent. It is a Muslim nation that speaks Arabic and which is struggling against radical Islamic terrorism,” the Foreign Ministry said on Friday as it spoke about Gold’s trip.

You can read the rest @

I wrote about Israel's move into Africa a couple of weeks ago. You can read what I said here:

The US is really missing the boat here. The nations of the world appear to be condensing into three major blocks:

*The BRICS, with or without Europe

*The Israeli sphere of influence, which is spreading across the Middle East and into Africa

*The US Empire, which seeks to control everything but which is getting squeezed out everywhere

We should have known the Israelis were doing us no favors when they encouraged us to start a "war on terror" which is really a "war on Islam". Now that they have driven a firm wedge between us and most Muslim nations, they are sticking a knife deep in our backs by befriending those very nations, bribing their leaders with the lavish sums of money we gave them. How stupid can we be?

Like Rome before it, the US Empire cannot survive without the tribute of nations it controls. When the BRICS and Israel shut us off from most of the world, the US Empire will collapse from the weight of its unsustainable debt.

Thank you, Dubya. Thank you, Obama ad-Dajjal. Thank you, Hillary.

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