Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Why We're Fragmenting

Commentary from Charles Hugh Smith:

I confess to being amused by the mainstream media’s implicit view that everything would be peachy if only Trump wasn’t president. Memo to MSM: the nation is fragmenting for reasons that have nothing to do with who’s president, or indeed, which party is the majority in Congress, who sits on the Supreme Court, or any other facet of governance.

The nation is fracturing and fragmenting because the Status Quo is failing the majority of the citizenry. The protected few are reaping all the benefits of the Status Quo, at the expense of the unprotected many.

As I have outlined many times, this unsustainable asymmetry is the only possible outcome of our socio-economic system, which is dominated by these forces:

1. Globalization–free flow of capital, labor arbitrage

2. Nearly free money from central banks for financiers and corporations

3. Pay-to-play “democracy”

4. State protected cartels that privatize gains and socialize losses

5. A system stripped of self-correcting feedback and accountability

Once you understand the inputs and structure, you realize there is no other possible output other than unsustainably expanding debt and wealth/income inequality. Policy tweaks cannot change the output; all they do is provide an illusion of reform that serves the need of those at the top to obscure the systemic injustices and unsustainability of the extractive, exploitive, predatory, parasitic system that’s enriching them.

You can read the rest @

By the way, the MSM works for the protected few; so don't expect them to ever figure out what really is going on, or ever report about it.

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