Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Are You A Pawn Of The New World Order ???

Here is something to consider as we witness the dismantling of America:

The mother lode of all conspiracies is the New World Order. In essence, it is a high-level, multi-generational plan to render all sovereign national governments subservient to an unelected, supranational, authoritarian world government. In this scheme, the people of planet earth will be micromanaged with strict social, technological and financial controls. It is the total consolidation of global power into the hands of a ruthless, minority elite who aim to rape the planet and enslave the human race.

They can’t do it alone, though, they need your help. They need witting and unwitting minions to set the brush fires of revolutionary change in our towns and cities. They need pawns to agitate and disrupt the relative peace, and to upend the status quo with turmoil. They need senseless, animal-like violence, caught on camera and replayed ad infinitum on cable news and social media. They need terror, of both the foreign and domestic variety. They need fear in the streets, and fear in the minds of the proles.

Most of all, though, they need you to create chaos, so that they can bring order.

You can read the rest @

This is what the Nazis did in the 1930s - they facilitated chaos so that Hitler could be seen to bring order.

We're now heading down that same road. And it will be Trump's successor(s) who fit into the Hitler role, not The Donald himself.

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