Monday, September 25, 2017

Demise Of The US Dollar ???

The significance of the shift taking place on a geo-political basis to unseat the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency cannot be understated. It is, by all means, a complete upending of the financial and economic systems as we have come to know them. According to Keith Neumeyer, the Chairman of First Mining Finance and Chief Executive Officer of First Majestic Silver, the world’s purest silver producing mining company, the move is already taking place with countries like China, Russia, Venezuela and Iran already beginning to trade commodities with Yuan, Rubles and gold.

You can read the rest @

I have been wondering why the powers that be in the US are supporting policies which will lead to the collapse of our currency. Chief example of these policies is their support for the curtailment of the use of fossil fuels. Since the existence of the petrodollar is the main (if not the only) reason the US Treasury is still solvent, why destroy the oil-dollar linkage?

But the answer has been staring us in the face all along - they want a GLOBAL CURRENCY, and they no longer want that currency to be the dollar. Thus, destroying the oil-dollar linkage serves two purposes:

  1. It facilitates the creation of a new global currency, and
  2. It destroys whatever remains of the economy of the US.

Since the powers that be are neither patriots nor in any way beholden to the US itself, they're gonna be really happy when the shit hits this particular fan.

The rest of us ... not so happy.

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