Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Land Reform, Or Ethnic Cleansing ???

White farmers in South Africa may lose all their land without any compensation, but Newsweek thinks they have nothing to worry about.

Their property loss is all going to the noble cause of “poverty reduction.”

That’s the argument made in an article published by Newsweek last week. The article, written by white South African professor Ben Cousins, aims to obfuscate the property confiscation proposed by the South African government as merely “land reform.”

You can read the rest @

What BS !!!

Dear Newsweek - If you believe that, why don't you urge the US government to confiscate empty houses and give them to the homeless?

1 comment:

  1. Here is support for a similar initiative - slave reparations:

    One way or another, the US appears headed for the dustbin of history. Why is that?
