Thursday, April 5, 2018

The Truth About CW Agents

There have been a lot of lies told about Russia and Novichok nerve agents in the past days. You can read about some of them here:

Back in 1995 I was a grad student at a well-known US university. As part of my thesis research I wanted to collect artifacts from US soldiers who served during the first Gulf War and who were then suffering from "gulf war syndrome". My goal was to determine whether they had been exposed to CW agents during the war, and if so which ones.

I ran into three basic problems:

  1. No accredited CW lab would touch this with a ten foot pole;
  2. No university (including mine) would support such research; and
  3. A staffer working for a US senator was persuading these soldiers to give their artifacts to him, never to be returned.

The bottom line is this - there is virtually no way outside a government run lab to conduct such studies. The public is forced to accept what they are told, and that is that. If the government wants to lie, they have the perfect environment for doing so.

Thus it is even more remarkable that Porton Down refused to lie about the origin and composition of the CW agent (if that is what it was) which was used in the Skripal affair.  I'd be willing to bet that no one in the US CW organization has the cojones to do the same. They're all shameless, gutless tools of the establishment.

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